Why didn’t he defend himself?

One of the convert to Islam says I was walking with my child and we passed a statue of Christ near the church.
My son asked me who is this, Baba?
I told him this is the Son of God and he is our God
 He told me why he was crucified with wounds on his body and his appearance weak. I pity him
 I told him he was crucified because the criminals who do not believe in him did this to him
 My son said to me, why did his father not defend him or he defended himself because he is a powerful God
 I told him God chose that to atone for our sins, because when he accepted the crucifixion of his son, his crucifixion was a sacrifice for us and an atonement for our sins.
 He said to me, “O my father, do you accept that I be crucified and tortured for someone’s sake, and you are able to defend me?” I said, “Of course not.”
 My son said, How could God be pleased to do that to his son when he is able to forgive us our sins without torturing his son and making him humiliated by human hands!
 This dialogue was the first way to guide the father to Islam
 The child's instinctive questions indicated the right to the father.

May Almighty ALLAH guide everyone to ponder over the Glorious Quran and understand the correct concept of ALLAH . Ameen
Why didn’t he defend himself?


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